Join us March 10-11, at Woodward’s Summit for Transformative Learning (STLinATL) 2025, where the future of education unfolds in an exhilarating two-day journey. This year, we’re thrilled to explore the theme “Embracing the Future of Education,” a beacon for the path ahead in deeper learning.
Tuesday March 11, 2025 8:30am - 9:20am EDT
As a nation, we are both challenging and being challenged by long-standing structures, beliefs, and assumptions about how we work, live, and connect—with each other and with our planet. What does this mean for the future of how teachers grade–one of the oldest structures in our schools and the incarnation of our beliefs about teacher expertise, what it means to be educated, and how we determine who wins and who loses in a meritocracy? How might equitable grading help us to let go of outdated and unhelpful limitations in the most influential element of our schools, and inspire improvements throughout our teaching and learning?
avatar for Joe Feldman

Joe Feldman

Founder and CEO, Crescendo Education Group
Joe has worked in education for over 20 years, including as a teacher, principal, and district administrator, and is the founder and CEO of Crescendo Education Group (crescendoedgroup.org), which since 2013 has supported hundreds of K-12 schools, districts, and colleges/universities... Read More →
Tuesday March 11, 2025 8:30am - 9:20am EDT
Gresham Chapel

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