Join us March 10-11, at Woodward’s Summit for Transformative Learning (STLinATL) 2025, where the future of education unfolds in an exhilarating two-day journey. This year, we’re thrilled to explore the theme “Embracing the Future of Education,” a beacon for the path ahead in deeper learning.
Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm EDT
Maintain focus, enthusiasm, and consistency with the Responsive Classroom approach. 
Many times teachers may start out strong and then lose steam both throughout the school day and the school year. Along the way, that excitement and enthusiasm for the RC approach may dwindle. In this session, you will learn strategies to help you stay motivated and focused as you keep the fire burning to support the momentum of learning in your classroom. This session will deepen your understanding of current Responsive Classroom practices that support change in student academics and behaviors.
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Crystal Cooper

Consultant, Responsive Classroom
Dr. Crystal Cooper is a former teacher of the year and twenty-five-year veteran instructional leader. She has gained a reputation as a passionate thought leader who leads with intention, insight, and grace. Her Responsive Classroom journey began while teaching in Paterson, New Jersey... Read More →
Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm EDT

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