Join us March 10-11, at Woodward’s Summit for Transformative Learning (STLinATL) 2025, where the future of education unfolds in an exhilarating two-day journey. This year, we’re thrilled to explore the theme “Embracing the Future of Education,” a beacon for the path ahead in deeper learning.
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Monday, March 10

9:30am EDT

Accelerate Student Learning through Complex Reasoning: Rigor and Relevance in the 21st Century Classroom
Monday March 10, 2025 9:30am - 10:45am EDT
Students who are encouraged to be critical thinkers and problem solvers invariably develop a sense of curiosity to process the world around them in the most creative ways. Dr. Johnson offers strategies to facilitate accelerated learning via complex reasoning skills in this session. You can apply what you learn in this hands-on session, and you'll be on your way to ramping up rigor in your classroom and making accelerated learning a dynamic and engaging experience for your students.
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Kendrick Johnson

Founder, Frontier Educational Consulting
Dr. Kendrick Johnson is founder of Frontier Educational Consulting. He began his career as a high school and middle school English teacher in Chicago. Dr. Johnson also spent time as an instructional coach and a director of curriculum and instruction.  He later transitioned into working... Read More →
Monday March 10, 2025 9:30am - 10:45am EDT

12:00pm EDT

Empowering STEM Teachers: Navigating Makerspace Tools for Classroom Impact (Tenneille Patterson)
Monday March 10, 2025 12:00pm - 12:45pm EDT
This interactive workshop empowers K-12 educators to confidently utilize makerspace tools and equipment in their classrooms. Through a small hands-on build project, participants will gain practical experience with essential workshop tools while exploring strategies to integrate engineering, physical computing, and AI concepts into student learning.
This session also provides adaptable curriculum ideas, project-based learning strategies, and best practices for creating engaging, real-world learning experiences. With practical demonstrations and step-by-step guidance on operating makerspace tools, attendees will leave equipped with actionable insights and digital resources to inspire their students and enhance their STEM programs. This session is ideal for new and experienced teachers looking to expand their confidence with makerspace equipment, incorporate innovative STEM projects, and empower students to develop the skills needed for 21st-century careers.
Monday March 10, 2025 12:00pm - 12:45pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Designing Experiential Programming around Global Competencies
Monday March 10, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm EDT
Experiential pedagogy provides a unique context in which to teach global competencies like perspective-taking, creative collaboration across differences, and taking responsible and informed action. Whether experiential learning occurs in a classroom, through a co-curricular program, on a local excursion, or during an international travel program; educators can make a lasting impact on their students when the purpose of their programming is clear, their curriculum is intentionally designed, and pedagogies are aligned with goals. Join this session to explore numerous models of experiential learning that foster global competencies from across GEBG’s nearly 400 member schools—including local, national, and global programming. Bring a project or program you wish you further develop, and leave with new ideas and inspiration!

Facilitated by Chad Detloff, GEBG Director of Professional Learning and Curriculum
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Chad Detloff

Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives, Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG)
As GEBG’s Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives, Chad Detloff supports member schools around topics such as intercultural dialogue; student action in local, national, and international contexts; climate/sustainability education; classroom curriculum driven by global competencies... Read More →
Monday March 10, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm EDT
Tuesday, March 11

12:00pm EDT

Making the Most of your Math Minutes (or any Content Area)! (Laura Briceno, Lauren Hood)
Tuesday March 11, 2025 12:00pm - 12:45pm EDT
Do you seem to always run out of time to hold small groups or finish class activities before the bell rings?  Uncover more instructional class time with a flipped classroom.  It's not just for high school and college classes!  The focus of this session will be on how and why to implement a flipped classroom for approximately grades 2-8, but the concepts could be adapted for any grade.  Laura Briceno & Lauren Hood will walk you through their experience in implementing a "Flipped Classroom Lite" this year in their 4th grade math classrooms.  While the focus will be primarily from the perspective of 2 math teachers, a flipped classroom could be implemented in any content area, so teachers from all content areas are welcome! We'll also throw in a few other time-savers as well.
Tuesday March 11, 2025 12:00pm - 12:45pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Demystifying DOK: A Practice and Process for Teaching and Learning
Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm EDT
What is the new information and recent research on Depth of Knowledge? Discover how Depth of Knowledge has become a transformative concept, framework, and language for teaching and learning. Understand how Depth of Knowledge involves "looking beyond the verb" to check and clarify the cognitive demand of learning goals and expectations. Examine how the DOK Levels function as a multi-tiered framework that defines and describes four distinct ways students can understand and use their learning. Explore how to use DOK as a language to specify what exactly and how deeply students must comprehend and communicate their learning. Most importantly, learn how Depth of Knowledge as a practice and process ensures the teaching and learning experience is standards driven and student supportive.
avatar for Erik M. Francis

Erik M. Francis

Owner, Maverik Education
Erik M. Francis, M.Ed., M.S., is an international author, educator, presenter, and professional development provider with 30 years of experience in education. He is the author of Inquiring Minds Want to Learn: Posing Good Questions to Promote Student Inquiry (Solution Tree), Deconstructing... Read More →
Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm EDT
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